The beginning
We had an appointment with Dr. McDonald, a neurosurgeon, and Dr. Ross, a plastic surgeon, at the craniofacial clinic on September 29. As our pediatrician suspected, H does have something called metopic craniosynostosis, a premature fusing of the skull bones. In the next six weeks, he will have an MRI, and appointments with HSC genetics, an opthamologist, and a developmental pediatrician. He could have vision problems, because his form of craniosynostosis results in his eyes being too close together, hence the visit to the opthamologist. Because his potentially too-small skull can affect his brain development, the developmental pediatrician will make sure he's still hitting all his markers, and doing all the things babies of his age are supposed to be doing.
Unfortunately, because his case is moderate, not mild, it's not fixable with just a little helmet. The doctors have recommended H have surgery to correct his forehead shape. While it wasn't an easy decision to make, David and I have decided that they should go ahead with the surgery. According to Dr. McDonald, this will also happen in the next six weeks or so. We will have more appointments this month. I'll post updates as we learn more.
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